The Full 9 Rules
We have 9 rules that keep everyone safe on our ranges and courses. The full 9 rules are covered on our Hostile Environment Firearms Course.
9 Rules.
Know our rules and understand why they are there
Muzzle awareness: Always keep the muzzle in a safe direction and away from any persons and avoid FLAGGING
Safety Selector always on: The safety is be kept on at all times unless you are on target
Trigger Discipline: Trigger fingers are always to be kept in the “index” position unless firing
Knowing your target and beyond: Bullets travel through things.. Know what is beyond the target
Communications: Communicate all movements when handling a firearm to EACH person, this includes when loading and approaching a “HOT” Range.
Limitations: Know your own and your teams’ limits, do not attempt any manipulation un-trained
Firing Area: Know your firing area and the direction of projectiles flight, never change without RO approval
First Aid: Each Range should have a minimum of 2 trained field trauma first aiders, (dress wound, apply pressure, if a tourniquet can be applied, place above the wounded bleeding area)
Knowing your stoppages: Each operator should know how to clear the basic 3 stoppages, failure to fire, failure to feed, failure to eject.